Got a question about the service?

Can I claim for late delivery?

Send My Bag has an excellent rate of on estimate deliveries with over 95% of standard deliveries and 99.5% of express deliveries arriving on the estimated date.

Should your bag be traveling on a route were it must pass through customs, our destination pages also include the estimated time which your item will spend in customs.

Our express services within the EU include an on time guarantee. If this service was selected and your delivery was subsequently made after your delivery date, please contact us at to make a claim. Full details of our on time guarantee can be found in section 14 of our terms here.

If you have used our standard service, or a service that originated or is destined for an address outside of the EU, an on time guarantee is not currently available. Should you feel the delay to your delivery has been unreasonable however, please let us know and a member of the Send My Bag team will investigate the reason for delay.

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